Don't waste money at the store to heal your hair! Check your kitchen cabinets for these perfect DIY Hair Mask ingredients.
Don't just nourish your body with the food you eat – help your hair from the outside, too. Whether yogurt, coconut oil, or essential oils, a DIY hair mask will be a fun experience and will help nourish your hair.
Start with the best oils for the hair and scalp, and add in a few powerful natural ingredients to create an amazing hair mask.
While kids won't sit still for masks, nor does their hair truly need one, help make brushing their hair a pleasant experience with my homemade detangler spray.
Healthy hair starts young and you'll be showing them how to DIY with natural ingredients. Mommy-daughter date night, perhaps?

DIY Hair Masks for Damaged Hair
Deep Conditioning Coconut Oil Hair Mask from Simple Pure Beauty
Cheap, simple, and effective – only one ingredient to conditioned hair!
DIY Hot Oil Treatment from Meg O. On the Go
Just three simple ingredients, once a month, and you'll love the smooth texture of your hair.
Marula Overnight Hair Mask from humblebee and me
Coat your hair, and go to bed! This mask will work to heal your hair while you sleep.
DIY Hair Masks for Oily Hair
DIY Hair Mask for Oil Hair from Momtastic
Oily hair? Balance the pH with this mask and you'll be pleased!
Homemade Yogurt Hair Mask from Bellatory
Yogurt is perfect for conditioning oily hair while taking away the excess grease.
DIY Hair Masks for Hair Growth
DIY Hair Thickening Mask from One Good Thing by Jillee
This mask will smell lovely, and as a bonus, she has a rinse recipe to keep the healing going.
DIY Pumpkin Honey Mask Treatment from Scratch Mommy
The perfect mask for fall with pumpkin! Perfect, natural, edible ingredients. Your hair will thank you!
Avocado Hair Masks from multiple sources

If you are looking for a wonderful mask that deeply conditions, then try out one of these luxurious avocado hair masks!
How else can you help your hair?
If your hair could use some extra love and you want some more DIY recipes then check some of these out: